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Clinical effect of arthroscopic excision in Wide-awake technology of recurrent children's wrist ganglions
中文关键词:  关节镜  Wide-awake技术  复发性  儿童  腕部腱鞘囊肿
英文关键词:Arthroscopy  Wide awake local anesthesia no tourniquet  Recurrent  Children  Wrist ganglions
周烽 湖北理工学院附属黄石爱康医院骨科湖北 黄石435000 435000
盛伟* 湖北理工学院附属黄石爱康医院骨科湖北 黄石435000 435000
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      目的 观察Wide-awake技术(完全清醒的无止血带局部麻醉技术)下腕关节镜切除复发性儿童腕部腱鞘囊肿的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析2017年1月至2022年6月湖北理工学院附属黄石爱康医院骨科37例儿童复发性腕部腱鞘囊肿的病例资料,在Wide-awake技术下采用腕关节镜手术切除,均为单侧病变。评价术后患者满意度、复发率、并发症情况及Cooney腕功能评定。结果 术后随访8 ~ 15个月,平均13.3个月。随访期间无复发病例,患儿腕部外观正常,无明显疤痕,满意度高,未出现任何手术并发症,根据Cooney腕功能评定标准,37例患者术后评分为(93±5)分,较术前明显改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于Wide-awake技术的腕关节镜治疗复发性儿童腕部腱鞘囊肿是一种安全、创伤小、恢复快、并发症少、复发率低、切口美观的微创方法。
      Objective To investigate the clinical effect of arthroscopic excision using Wide-awake technology (wide awake local anesthesia no tourniquet, WALANT) of recurrent children's wrist ganglions.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the case data of 37 children with recurrent wrist ganglions in Huangshi Love & Health Hospital Affiliated of Hubei Polytechnic University between January 2017 and June 2022. All unilateral lesions underwent arthroscopic excision using the wide-awake technique. Postoperative patient satisfaction, recurrence rate, complications and Cooney wrist function assessment were evaluated.Results The follow-up period ranged from 8 to 15 months, with an average of 13.3 months. There were no recurrences cases during the follow-up, the children exhibited normal wrist appearance, with no visible scars, high satisfaction, and no surgical complications. According to the Cooney wrist function evaluation criteria, the postoperative scores of the 37 patients were (93±5) points, showing a significant improvement compared to the preoperative scores, with statistically significant differences (P<0.05).Conclusion Wrist arthroscopy based on Wide-awake technology is a safe, minimally invasive, rapid recovery, less complications, low recurrence rate and beautiful incision for the treatment of recurrent children's wrist ganglions.
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