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Design and finite element analysis of a removable screw for anterior ring fixation in elderly fragility fractures of pelvis
中文关键词:  骨盆骨折  可拆卸  螺钉  有限元
英文关键词:Pelvic fracture  Removable  Screw  Finite element analysis
刘申 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
刘松洋 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
朱正国 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
顾锋 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
韦兴 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
梁永辉* 航天中心医院骨科北京100049 100049
摘要点击次数: 36
全文下载次数: 12
      目的 设计并验证一种应用于老年脆性骨盆骨折前环固定的可拆卸螺钉。方法 钛合金材质制作的可拆卸螺钉由主钉、连接钉与钉筒组成,连接钉的首端和尾端均通过螺纹与主钉、钉筒连接,由此可实现拆卸。主钉为锥形、空腔设计,侧壁有多个注射孔,可置入骨水泥。采用有限元分析软件对可拆卸螺钉进行了受力分析。结果 可拆卸螺钉的锥形设计可实现快速置钉,减少对骨盆骨质的影响,空腔及侧孔的设计可进行骨水泥的注射,增加主钉的抗拔出力。主钉与钉筒可拆卸的设计可以方便后续取出内固定支架,同时满足骨折的固定要求,减少二次手术创伤。有限元分析结果表明,在可拆卸螺钉和连接棒固定的骨盆前环模型固定中,轴向拉伸及轴向压缩载荷最大主应力(804.8 MPa和840.9 MPa)均发生在连接棒,均远小于钛合金的屈服强度,未出现失效情况。结论 用于老年脆性骨盆骨折前环固定的可拆卸螺钉具有安全可靠、抗拔出力强、方便拆卸、减少二次创伤等特点,具有较好的转化应用前景。
      Objective To design and validate a removable screw for anterior ring fixation in elderly fragility fractures of pelvis.Methods The titanium alloy removable screws consisted of a main screw, connecting screws, and screw sleeves. The connecting screws were threaded at both ends to connect with the main screw and screw sleeve, allowing for disassembly. The main screw was designed with a tapered cavity and multiple injection holes in the sidewall for bone cement placement. Finite element analysis software was used to analyze the stress distribution of the removable screws.Results The tapered design of the removable screws enables quick insertion, minimizing the impact on pelvic bone quality. The cavity and side hole design allows for bone cement injection, which increased the pull-out strength of the main screw. The removable design of the main screw and screw sleeve facilitates the removal of internal fixation hardware, meeting fracture fixation requirements and reducing secondary surgical trauma. The results of finite element analysis show that in the anterior pelvic ring model fixed with detachable screws and connecting rods, the maximum principal stresses of axial tension and axial compression loads (804.8 MPa and 840.9 MPa, respectively) both occurred in the connecting rods, which were well below the yield strength of titanium alloy, and no failure occurred.Conclusion The removable screw designed for anterior ring fixation of elderly fragility fractures of the pelvis is characterized by its safety and reliability, strong anti-pull-out force, easy disassembly, and reduced secondary trauma, indicating a promising potential for translational application.
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