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The comparison study of PVP and PKP using high viscosity bone cement for the treatment of elderly vertebral compression fractures
中文关键词:  高粘稠度骨水泥  经皮椎体成形术  经皮球囊扩张椎体后凸成形术  椎体压缩性骨折  老年
英文关键词:High viscosity bone cement  PVP  PVP  Vertebral compression fractures  Elder
易剑华 陈升浩* 蔡平原 陈康 李磊  
通讯作者:易剑华 陈升浩* 蔡平原 陈康 李磊    
摘要点击次数: 3487
全文下载次数: 2054
      目的 对比高粘稠度骨水泥PVP术和PKP术治疗老年椎体压缩性骨折的临床效果。方法 回顾性分析2014年1月至2016年4月于我院治疗的椎体压缩性骨折的老年患者共102例,采用高粘稠度骨水泥PVP术47例(PVP组),高粘稠度骨水泥PKP术55例(PKP组),对比两组患者骨水泥用量和渗漏率,治疗24小时及术后6个月后脊柱后凸Cobb’s角、椎体高度、腰背部VAS评分、ODI评分和JOA评分。结果 两组患者的手术椎体数量比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),PKP组患者中单个椎体骨水泥使用量显著高于PVP组(P<0.05),两组患者治疗后1、3、 6月的JOA得分比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),治疗前、治疗后24小时、6个月的脊柱后凸Cobb’s角、腰背部VAS评分、ODI评分和椎体高度比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 高粘度骨水泥PVP和PKP治疗老年椎体压缩性骨折,PVP使用骨水泥量少于PKP,骨水泥渗漏率相当,均可显著改善疼痛及腰部的功能。
      Objective To compare the PVP and PKP using high viscosity bone cement for the treatment of elderly vertebral compression fractures. Methods A retrospective analysis including a total of 102 elderly patients with vertebral compression fractures in our hospital the from Jan 2014 to Apr 2016, 47 cases underwent the high viscosity bone cement PVP(PVP group), 55 cases underwent high viscosity bone cement PKP(PKP group). To compared two groups of patients with single vertebral operation time, bone cement dosage, bone cement leakage rate, spinal Cobb's Angle, vertebral body height, the small of the back VAS score, ODI score and JOA score before treatment and postoperative 24 hours after 6 months. Results Thevertebral body number comparison between two groups has no statistical significant difference(P>0.05), the single vertebral body bone cement dosage of the PKP group was significantly higher than in patients with the PVP group(P<0.05), two groups of patients after treatment of 1, 3 and 6month JOA score comparison has no statistical difference (P>0.05), before and after treatment for 24h and 6month, the spinal Cobb's Angle, back VAS score, ODI score and vertebral body height comparison between the two groups had no statistical difference (P>0.05). Conclusion High viscosity bone cement PVP and PKP treat for of elderly vertebral compression fractures, and use dosage of bone cement in PVP was less than PKP, bone cement leakage rate is equal, both can significantly improve the function and the pain of back.
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