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桌面重建技术治疗Mason Ⅲ型桡骨头骨折
On-table reconstruction of Mason type Ⅲ radial head fractures
中文关键词:  桡骨头骨折  桌面重建技术  内固定
英文关键词:Radial head fractures  On-table reconstruction technique  Internal fixation
向杰1 付海清1 宁建君1 唐奕泉1 杨慎达2  
摘要点击次数: 360
全文下载次数: 317
      目的 评价桌面重建技术结合低切迹接骨板治疗Mason Ⅲ型桡骨头骨折的临床效果。方法 回顾性分析2012年2月-2016年12月采用桌面重建技术治疗Mason Ⅲ型桡骨头骨折10例。其中,男3例,女7例,年龄19~40 岁,平均29岁。左侧8例,右侧2例;摔伤8例,车祸伤2例。。结果 所有患者均获随访,随访时间为12~20个月,平均14个月,7例骨折骨性愈合,3例骨折不愈合,肘关节屈曲活动范围平均130°(125°~138°);前臂旋前活动度平均70°(67°~73°);旋后范围活动度平均74°(72°-76°);Broberg-Morrey功能评分平均91分(82~98分),优3例、良7例;DASH评分平均2.40分(1.01~4.57分)。结论 桌面重建技术相对于桡骨头切除和假体置换是一种安全、可行的治疗选择,近期疗效满意。
      Objective To evaluate the clinical outcomes of Mason type Ⅲ radial head fractures, which were treated by on-table reconstruction technique and fixation using low profile plates. Methods A retrospective study was carried out of 10 patients which were treated by on-table reconstruction technique from February 2012 to December 2016.There were 3 males and 7 females, with an average age of 29 years (from 19~40 years).The locations were left side in 8 cases and right side in 2 cases; the causes of injure were a fall in 8 cases and traffic accident in 2 cases. Results All the patients were followed up for 12 to 20 months (14 months on average). 7 cases had bony union. 3 cases was nonunion. The average elbow flexion was 130° (range 125°~138°). The average pronation and supination was 70° (range 67°~73°) and 74° (range72°~76°) respectively. The mean Broberg and Morrey score was 91 points (range 82~98 points). The mean DASH score was 2.40 points (range 1.01~4.57 points). Conclusions On-table reconstruction and fixation of Mason type Ⅲ radial head fractures using low profile plates is a reliable and safe treatment option, which relative to radial head excision and prosthetic replacement.
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