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Effect of different bone-harvesting sites in the treatment of single endogenous chondroma of the hand
中文关键词:  植骨  手部单发内生软骨瘤  同侧桡骨远端
英文关键词:Bone grafting  Single endochondromaof the hand  Ipsilateral distal radius
李洪飞 李二虎 汤波 曾学珠  
摘要点击次数: 395
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      目的 探讨采用两种不同取骨部位在治疗手部单发内生软骨瘤中的效益比较。方法 回顾性分析2014年3月至2017年11月我院符合纳入研究标准的手部单发内生软骨瘤患者共37例,其中采用同侧桡骨远端桡背侧取骨加病灶刮除植骨术为实验组,共17例;采用取自体同侧髂骨加病灶刮除植骨术为对照组,共20例;两组术后处理方式相同,分别对患者术前一般资料、手术时间、住院费用及Kazwcki手部内生软骨瘤术后功能评价等相关指标进行分析比较。结果 ①两组患者在年龄、性别、术前病程等方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),有可比性;②手术时间及住院费用,实验组分别为(74.43±11.70)min、(8 544.00±768.02)元,对照组分别为(104.86±3.85)min、(10 378.00±72.86) 元,与对照组比较,实验组手术时间及住院费用明显缩短、减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③Kazwcki手部内生软骨瘤术后功能评价比较,实验组与对照组优良率分别为70.59%与85.00%,经χ2检验,P=0.289,差异无统计学意义。结论 采用同侧桡骨远端桡背侧取骨治疗手部单发内生软骨瘤具有手术时间短、费用低、操作简单,是一种临床疗效确切、经济效益和时间效益双优的治疗方法。
      Objective To compare the effect of two different bone-harvesting sites in the treatment of single endogenous chondroma of the hand. Methods Thirty seven cases of single endogenous chondroma of the hand admitted to our hospital from March 2014 to November 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. In the experimental group, 17 patients received focus curettement and bone graft from ipsilateral distal radius; and in the control group, 20 patients received focus curettement and bone graft from the ipsilateral ilium. The operation time, hospitalization costs and Kazwcki postoperative hand function score other relevant indicators were compared. Results ①There was no significant difference in age, sex and preoperative course between the two groups (P>0.05). ②The operation time and hospitalization expenses in the experimental group were respectively(74.43±11.70)min and (8 544.00±768.02)yuan, which were(104.86±3.85) min and (10 378.00±72.86) yuan respectively in the control group. Compared with the control group, the operation time and hospitalization cost in the experimental group were significantly shortened(P<0.05). ③The excellent and good rate was 70.59% and 85.00% in the experimental and control group according to Kazwcki postoperative hand function score for endogenous chondroma, showing no significant difference(P=0.289). Conclusion Focus curettement and bone graft from ipsilateral distal radius has the advantages of short operation time, low cost and simple operation in the treatment of single endogenous chondroma of the hand. It is an clinical effective, economic and time-effective treatment method.
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